3.05: “Second Skin”

I really like this one. Always have. Nana Visitor is fantastic, AND there’s plenty of great Garak content. On this rewatch, it reminds me a bit of “Whispers”, and if I’m being honest, I think that one might be the better-constructed episode, but I love A) Kira, B) Garak, and C) Cardassian politics and intrigue, so.

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3.04: “Equilibrium”

In terms of the concept, this one is right up there with “Whispers” as precisely the kind of unsettling/creepy thing that I really like. The execution in that one was generally better, I think — I feel like they never fully realize the creepiness in this one the way they might have — but it’s still a solid episode.

Continue reading “3.04: “Equilibrium””

3.03: “The House of Quark”

Remember last week, when I said that a couple of my go-to “comfort food”-type episodes were coming up? Well, this was one of the ones I meant. (It’s not at the very top of my list — that’s not for another few weeks — but still pretty high up there. Maybe as high as #2, even.)

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3.02: “The Search, Part 2”

(Alternate title card for this one: “Odo Loses His Virginity”.)

WHEW! So, a whole lot happens in this one, even if some of it was just a dream simulation. The biggest thing, of course, being the revelation, soon after Odo finds his people, that they are, in fact, the mysterious Founders, the power at the center of the Dominion.

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3.01: “The Search, Part 1”

Wow, wow, wow. I know I said back at the end of season one that I was shocked to have gotten all the way there, but that applies even more now, let me tell you. It has been a lot of fun, and I am really, really grateful to everyone (well, all four of you, by the most generous estimate) who’s been reading and commenting and talking to me on Twitter. Here’s to season three!

(Bonus: a couple of my top “I need cheering up” episodes are coming up in the next few weeks, so we’ve all got that to look forward to, as well.)

Continue reading “3.01: “The Search, Part 1””

2.26: “The Jem’Hadar”

This episode is interesting for me, because while it does its job — having Our Heroes encounter the Dominion directly for the first time, and making it clear that the Dominion will be a direct threat in the future — those parts aren’t actually what I enjoy most about it.

Continue reading “2.26: “The Jem’Hadar””

2.25: “Tribunal”

Geez. I mean, I know that episodes where O’Brien endures some new hellish ordeal are a tradition, but y’all could’ve at least spaced ’em out over once a season, you know? “Whispers” was just a few weeks ago, and hell, I’d count “Armageddon Game” among them, too, seeing as not only is he in hiding and suffering from the effects of a bioweapon, but he’s dealing with all that alongside Julian Bashir.

Continue reading “2.25: “Tribunal””

2.23: “Crossover”

Another extremely busy week at work, so once again I may not be able to give this episode quite the attention it deserves. Very rude of anyone to ask me to do anything besides talk about Star Trek, in my book, but no one seems to care what I think on the matter. If you know any billionaires who are looking for things to spend their money on, maybe suggest they start funding this blog after they end world hunger.

Continue reading “2.23: “Crossover””

December 2019 schedule

  • December 3: “Crossover”
  • December 5: “The Collaborator”
  • December 10: “Tribunal”
  • December 12: “The Jem’Hadar”
  • December 17: “The Search, Part 1”
  • December 19: “The Search, Part 2”
  • December 24: “The House of Quark”
  • December 26: “Equilibrium”
  • December 31: “Second Skin”