March 2020 schedule

We’re back! And I don’t know about y’all, but I’ve missed you, and Station On Fire Trash Can, a great deal. Things are still fairly busy for me on a personal front, both with ongoing stuff at my current job, and because, depending on how a job interview this week goes I may be moving 700 miles away later this month, so I’m tentatively going with one post a week for most of the month, but may bump it back up to two later.

  • March 4: “Prophet Motive”
  • March 11: “Visionary”
  • March 18: “Distant Voices”
  • March 25: “Through the Looking Glass”
  • March 31: “Improbable Cause”

February hiatus

February is looking to be more than the usual amount of hectic for me at work, so I’m currently planning to take the month — or at least part of it — off. (I’m told that it’s generally considered “inappropriate” to spend a lot of time at your “actual job” writing blog posts? Sounds fake, but OK.) See you in a few weeks!

3.15: “Destiny”

Synopsis: The first attempt at a joint operation between Bajor, Cardassia, and the Federation — building a communications relay in the Gamma Quadrant — faces setbacks after the discovery of an ancient Bajoran prophecy that seems to predict the effort will result in the wormhole’s collapse. Kira and Sisko have to reckon with his status as the Emissary in the process.

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3.14: “Heart of Stone”

With every rewatch of the series, I’ve come to appreciate this episode more — almost entirely for the B plot, interestingly. The A plot is good, but for me, the B plot is just so surprising and moving that every time I rewatch, I’m almost surprised to remember that oh, right, it’s not actually the primary focus of the episode.

Continue reading “3.14: “Heart of Stone””

3.12: “Past Tense, Part II”

All right, between work and a cold, my brain just kind of…turned off while I was working on this post, so there isn’t as much depth as I typically try for. Though I also feel like this episode isn’t as strong, overall, as the first part. That may also be that, as noted, the first part hits me a lot harder with that “ah, I see, the dystopian early 21st century Star Trek predicted was in fact much too optimistic” feeling, however.

Continue reading “3.12: “Past Tense, Part II””

3.10: “Fascination”

Apparently this is considered one of the worst of the series, which I…don’t quite get? I mean, it’s pretty silly, and I wouldn’t call it one of the best, but I’d consider it fairly middling. Is it skippable? Probably. But it’s fun enough that I generally don’t skip it, which is more than I can say for “The Storyteller” or “Second Sight”.

Continue reading “3.10: “Fascination””

3.08: “Meridian”

This one is…fine? It’s fine! There are some good moments, and it’s a Dax-centric episode where she’s actually conscious and doing things, which is nice. I just…really don’t have a lot to say about it, and am also a bit under the weather and trying to write through brain fog, so this may be a pretty short post.

Continue reading “3.08: “Meridian””