Synopsis: When an emergency leaves the crew stuck as characters in Bashir’s holosuite program, he must figure out how to save them all. (Fortunately, Garak is there to “help”.)
Category: S4
4.09: “The Sword of Kahless”
Synopsis: Kor returns to the station, and recruits Jadzia and Worf on a quest to find a legendary Klingon artifact.
4.08: “Little Green Men”
Synopsis: Quark, Rom, and Nog’s trip to Earth goes awry when they end up in the year 1947.
4.07: “Starship Down”
Synopsis: A Dominion attack damages the Defiant, leaving crew members separated and trying to survive across the ship.
4.06: “Rejoined”
Synopsis: Dax’s widow (after a fashion) is part of a visiting science team, and she and Jadzia fall for one another — despite a Trill taboo against “reassociation”.
4.05: “Indiscretion”
Hello again! I have not abandoned this blog! June turned out to be a pretty intense month for me, both in terms of, you know, the world, and also in more personal terms, with my roommate and I moving to a new place. Also, I started writing this post weeks ago, then saved the draft and promptly forgot where I had saved it, which meant restarting from scratch, so bear with me.
Synopsis: Kira gets a lead on a Cardassian prison transport that disappeared six years ago while carrying friends of hers — but her search is complicated when Gul Dukat insists on accompanying her. Meanwhile, Kasidy Yates is offered a job that would allow her to spend more time on the station, and is taken aback by Sisko’s cool reaction to the news.
4.04: “Hippocratic Oath”
Synopsis: Bashir and O’Brien find themselves at odds when they’re captured by a group of Jem’Hadar who ask for the doctor’s help. Struggling to adjust to life on the station, Worf clashes with Odo over security matters.
4.03: “The Visitor”
Synopsis: An elderly Jake Sisko explains how a terrible accident on the Defiant changed the course of his life.
4.01 and 4.02: “The Way of the Warrior”
Holy crap, we’re up to the fourth season, y’all! Just, dang, with my attention span, I really did not anticipate getting this far when I first started this project, even before, you know, the world. I want to say, again, how grateful I am to everyone who’s joined me for this, and here’s to Season Four!
Synopsis: The Klingons believe that the Dominion is behind a regime change on Cardassia — and they’re willing to end their peace with the Federation over it. Seeking the insight of someone who knows both the Federation and the Klingons, Sisko consults Lieutenant Commander Worf.