3.22: “Explorers”

Synopsis: Sisko builds a ship using centuries-old Bajoran designs, and he and Jake set out to prove it’s capable of travel to Cardassia. Meanwhile, Bashir has a minor personal crisis when a rival from medical school visits the station.

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3.18: “Distant Voices”

Hello! I hope you are all safe and healthy, and that you’re taking care of yourselves and each other. Things are a bit hectic for me, in part because, you know, *gestures vaguely at the world* but also because I am about to start a new job and will be moving nearly a thousand miles this weekend! So thank you for bearing with me while I attempt to get back into normal operating procedure around here. Be safe, don’t hoard food or toilet paper, and wash your hands.

With all of that out of the way, let’s get on with this week’s episode!

Synopsis: Bashir’s anxieties about his impending thirtieth birthday take on new significance when he’s telepathically attacked by an intruder.

Continue reading “3.18: “Distant Voices””

2.23: “Crossover”

Another extremely busy week at work, so once again I may not be able to give this episode quite the attention it deserves. Very rude of anyone to ask me to do anything besides talk about Star Trek, in my book, but no one seems to care what I think on the matter. If you know any billionaires who are looking for things to spend their money on, maybe suggest they start funding this blog after they end world hunger.

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2.13: “Armageddon Game”

So, the main plot of this one, with two civilizations who’ve just made peace, and destroyed the devastating biological weapons they’ve been using, but also believe they must eliminate anyone who might have sufficient knowledge to recreate them, is decent. These particular aliens and their war aren’t mentioned again after this episode, but meditations around peace, and what it costs to achieve it, and who pays that price, are consistent themes throughout the show as it continues.

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2.11: “Rivals”

This one is so light and just generally fun that I promptly went to check the episode list because I assumed something absolutely brutal would be coming up and they were lulling me into a false sense of security. But nothing in the immediate future jumps out at me as particularly painful, so I can only conclude that I just have trust issues around TV.

Continue reading “2.11: “Rivals””

2.06: “Melora”

OK, let’s start with something really important: I’m pretty sure this is the first time we’ve seen the Klingon restaurant on the Promenade and its nameless proprietor. WHO I LOVE. He is just this Klingon dude who is Extremely Klingon in that he loves to yell and does everything dramatically, and he is just chilling on this station channeling all his Klingonness into making food, and sometimes he serenades his customers. He is #goals.

Moving on!

Continue reading “2.06: “Melora””