Synopsis: A Dominion attack damages the Defiant, leaving crew members separated and trying to survive across the ship.
Tag: sisko and kira brotp
4.05: “Indiscretion”
Hello again! I have not abandoned this blog! June turned out to be a pretty intense month for me, both in terms of, you know, the world, and also in more personal terms, with my roommate and I moving to a new place. Also, I started writing this post weeks ago, then saved the draft and promptly forgot where I had saved it, which meant restarting from scratch, so bear with me.
Synopsis: Kira gets a lead on a Cardassian prison transport that disappeared six years ago while carrying friends of hers — but her search is complicated when Gul Dukat insists on accompanying her. Meanwhile, Kasidy Yates is offered a job that would allow her to spend more time on the station, and is taken aback by Sisko’s cool reaction to the news.
3.24: “Shakaar”
Synopsis: Kai Winn, who has taken up the leadership of Bajor’s government following the First Minister’s death, asks Kira to settle a conflict with the leader of her old Resistance cell.
3.15: “Destiny”
Synopsis: The first attempt at a joint operation between Bajor, Cardassia, and the Federation — building a communications relay in the Gamma Quadrant — faces setbacks after the discovery of an ancient Bajoran prophecy that seems to predict the effort will result in the wormhole’s collapse. Kira and Sisko have to reckon with his status as the Emissary in the process.
2.20: “The Maquis, Part 1”
I am in a dev bootcamp all week and so do not have the amount of free time to spend on writing these posts that I normally do, which is a shame, because WOW is there a lot going on here. Of course, the silver lining for y’all is that you are spared a good deal of my yelling about how horny Dukat is for Sisko.
Not all of it, though.
2.10: “Sanctuary”
Hmm. I…don’t really have much to say about this one? There are some good Kira moments, and it’s overall a pretty solid episode, but for whatever reason it just doesn’t really do much for me; most of my notes are just about specific lines or interactions I liked.
2.07: “Rules of Acquisition”
OK, I know they are a divisive topic in the fandom, so I’m gonna come out with what may be one of my spicier Deep Space Nine takes: I…actually enjoy a lot of the Ferengi episodes? I know I complain a lot about the fact that, while conceived as parodies of 80s-style capitalist excess, a la Steve Castle/That Guy from Futurama, the decision to portray them physically as short troll-like people with oversized facial appendages means they also end up being really unfortunate antisemitic caricatures. But Nog, Quark, and Rom have such great arcs over the course of the show, in no small part due to the phenomenal performances given by Aron Eisenberg (ז״ל), Armin Shimerman, and Max Grodénchik, that, much like Dax, I really do enjoy the time we spend with them. (Also, Wallace Shawn as Zek is positively inspired.)
So, having said that, yes, I actually rather enjoyed this episode!
2.02: “The Circle”
More Bajoran political and religious intrigue! Also everyone is in love with and/or horny for Kira, which, you know what, fair enough.
Overall, this one is pretty decent — “The Homecoming”, though it had some good moments, was largely about setting things up, and we get a bit more of the story’s meat in this episode and the next.
2.01: “The Homecoming”
All right, y’all, season two! Let’s do this!
To start: my notes for this episode contain many, many repetitions of “LET LI NALAS LIVE”. Continue reading “2.01: “The Homecoming””
1.20: “In the Hands of the Prophets”
One season down, six to go. And y’all. Y’ALL. Y’all, I am kind of amazed that we’re here, not gonna lie. I half-expected that my ADHD ass would abandon this effort around “Move Along Home” at the latest. I am having so much fun doing this, and am so grateful to the handful of you who are joining me for it.
This also seems like an appropriate place to mention that I was on Antimatter Pod a couple of weeks ago, where we discussed religion in Star Trek! We touched specifically on this episode and Kai Winn, in fact. It was a ton of fun, and my thanks again to Liz and Anika for having me.