3.07: “Civil Defense”

Synopsis: After accidentally triggering an automated counterinsurgency protocol left over from when the station was under Cardassian control, the crew must find a way to shut it down — before the station self-destructs.

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2.13: “Armageddon Game”

So, the main plot of this one, with two civilizations who’ve just made peace, and destroyed the devastating biological weapons they’ve been using, but also believe they must eliminate anyone who might have sufficient knowledge to recreate them, is decent. These particular aliens and their war aren’t mentioned again after this episode, but meditations around peace, and what it costs to achieve it, and who pays that price, are consistent themes throughout the show as it continues.

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2.04: “Invasive Procedures”

You know, a few months ago, just as I was beginning to think about this rewatch project, a screenshot of a Tumblr post appeared on my Twitter timeline that, after I stopped laughing at it, I took as a sign from the universe that I should definitely go ahead with this thing I was thinking about doing. I probably think about that post at least once a day ever since then. And given that this is the second episode in a row in which the station has had to be evacuated, each time for completely different reasons, I feel like this is a good time to share that post with you all.

tumblr post comparing The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine


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