Synopsis: A Dominion attack damages the Defiant, leaving crew members separated and trying to survive across the ship.
Tag: in this house we appreciate armin shimerman
4.05: “Indiscretion”
Hello again! I have not abandoned this blog! June turned out to be a pretty intense month for me, both in terms of, you know, the world, and also in more personal terms, with my roommate and I moving to a new place. Also, I started writing this post weeks ago, then saved the draft and promptly forgot where I had saved it, which meant restarting from scratch, so bear with me.
Synopsis: Kira gets a lead on a Cardassian prison transport that disappeared six years ago while carrying friends of hers — but her search is complicated when Gul Dukat insists on accompanying her. Meanwhile, Kasidy Yates is offered a job that would allow her to spend more time on the station, and is taken aback by Sisko’s cool reaction to the news.
3.25: “Facets”
Synopsis: A Trill ritual enables Jadzia to meet Dax’s past hosts, and she finally confronts Curzon about his treatment of her as an initiate. Nog prepares for the Starfleet Academy entrance exams — despite his uncle’s continued objections.
3.23: “Family Business”
Synopsis: Quark and Rom return to Ferenginar when their mother is charged with a serious crime. Sisko goes on a date.
3.03: “The House of Quark”
Remember last week, when I said that a couple of my go-to “comfort food”-type episodes were coming up? Well, this was one of the ones I meant. (It’s not at the very top of my list — that’s not for another few weeks — but still pretty high up there. Maybe as high as #2, even.)
2.26: “The Jem’Hadar”
This episode is interesting for me, because while it does its job — having Our Heroes encounter the Dominion directly for the first time, and making it clear that the Dominion will be a direct threat in the future — those parts aren’t actually what I enjoy most about it.
2.18: “Profit and Loss”
Y’all, I love this one. I just adore it. Admittedly, as previously established, I generally don’t mind (or at least have a high tolerance for) the Ferengi episodes, and I love Cardassian drama, so “Quark’s ex is prominent figure in the Cardassian dissident movement, also Garak is there” is an easy sell for me.
2.17: “Playing God”
Some interesting stuff going on in this one! And some really fun performances, as well. I did feel like the conclusion to the B plot, with the proto-universe, was…weird. They just…left this proto-universe, whose expansion threatens the station, in the Gamma Quadrant? Is it gonna keep expanding? I have a lot of questions!!!
2.11: “Rivals”
This one is so light and just generally fun that I promptly went to check the episode list because I assumed something absolutely brutal would be coming up and they were lulling me into a false sense of security. But nothing in the immediate future jumps out at me as particularly painful, so I can only conclude that I just have trust issues around TV.
2.04: “Invasive Procedures”
You know, a few months ago, just as I was beginning to think about this rewatch project, a screenshot of a Tumblr post appeared on my Twitter timeline that, after I stopped laughing at it, I took as a sign from the universe that I should definitely go ahead with this thing I was thinking about doing. I probably think about that post at least once a day ever since then. And given that this is the second episode in a row in which the station has had to be evacuated, each time for completely different reasons, I feel like this is a good time to share that post with you all.