4.01 and 4.02: “The Way of the Warrior”

Holy crap, we’re up to the fourth season, y’all! Just, dang, with my attention span, I really did not anticipate getting this far when I first started this project, even before, you know, the world. I want to say, again, how grateful I am to everyone who’s joined me for this, and here’s to Season Four!

Synopsis: The Klingons believe that the Dominion is behind a regime change on Cardassia — and they’re willing to end their peace with the Federation over it. Seeking the insight of someone who knows both the Federation and the Klingons, Sisko consults Lieutenant Commander Worf.

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3.18: “Distant Voices”

Hello! I hope you are all safe and healthy, and that you’re taking care of yourselves and each other. Things are a bit hectic for me, in part because, you know, *gestures vaguely at the world* but also because I am about to start a new job and will be moving nearly a thousand miles this weekend! So thank you for bearing with me while I attempt to get back into normal operating procedure around here. Be safe, don’t hoard food or toilet paper, and wash your hands.

With all of that out of the way, let’s get on with this week’s episode!

Synopsis: Bashir’s anxieties about his impending thirtieth birthday take on new significance when he’s telepathically attacked by an intruder.

Continue reading “3.18: “Distant Voices””

3.07: “Civil Defense”

Synopsis: After accidentally triggering an automated counterinsurgency protocol left over from when the station was under Cardassian control, the crew must find a way to shut it down — before the station self-destructs.

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3.05: “Second Skin”

I really like this one. Always have. Nana Visitor is fantastic, AND there’s plenty of great Garak content. On this rewatch, it reminds me a bit of “Whispers”, and if I’m being honest, I think that one might be the better-constructed episode, but I love A) Kira, B) Garak, and C) Cardassian politics and intrigue, so.

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2.18: “Profit and Loss”

Y’all, I love this one. I just adore it. Admittedly, as previously established, I generally don’t mind (or at least have a high tolerance for) the Ferengi episodes, and I love Cardassian drama, so “Quark’s ex is prominent figure in the Cardassian dissident movement, also Garak is there” is an easy sell for me.

Continue reading “2.18: “Profit and Loss””

2.05: “Cardassians”

Okay, this is much later than I generally try to post, but it turns out I had A TON to say, and it took me ages to wrangle it into something halfway readable.

First things first: GARAK!!!!!!!!!!! He becomes such an important secondary character as the show goes on that it’s a little strange to think we haven’t actually seen him since way back at the beginning of the first season.

Honestly, I am pretty much always up for Cardassian bullshit. Cardassians make Vulcans look warm, friendly, and emotionally healthy. They make Klingons look low-drama. They make Romulans look straightforward and plainspoken. They’re always dicks, they’re always horny, and then we find out later that being dicks is also a method by which they indicate horniness for one another. Everything with Cardassians is hilariously overcomplicated and the only person who enjoys that more than I do is every single Cardassian.

Continue reading “2.05: “Cardassians””