4.05: “Indiscretion”

Hello again! I have not abandoned this blog! June turned out to be a pretty intense month for me, both in terms of, you know, the world, and also in more personal terms, with my roommate and I moving to a new place. Also, I started writing this post weeks ago, then saved the draft and promptly forgot where I had saved it, which meant restarting from scratch, so bear with me.

Synopsis: Kira gets a lead on a Cardassian prison transport that disappeared six years ago while carrying friends of hers — but her search is complicated when Gul Dukat insists on accompanying her. Meanwhile, Kasidy Yates is offered a job that would allow her to spend more time on the station, and is taken aback by Sisko’s cool reaction to the news.

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4.01 and 4.02: “The Way of the Warrior”

Holy crap, we’re up to the fourth season, y’all! Just, dang, with my attention span, I really did not anticipate getting this far when I first started this project, even before, you know, the world. I want to say, again, how grateful I am to everyone who’s joined me for this, and here’s to Season Four!

Synopsis: The Klingons believe that the Dominion is behind a regime change on Cardassia — and they’re willing to end their peace with the Federation over it. Seeking the insight of someone who knows both the Federation and the Klingons, Sisko consults Lieutenant Commander Worf.

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3.22: “Explorers”

Synopsis: Sisko builds a ship using centuries-old Bajoran designs, and he and Jake set out to prove it’s capable of travel to Cardassia. Meanwhile, Bashir has a minor personal crisis when a rival from medical school visits the station.

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3.07: “Civil Defense”

Synopsis: After accidentally triggering an automated counterinsurgency protocol left over from when the station was under Cardassian control, the crew must find a way to shut it down — before the station self-destructs.

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2.20: “The Maquis, Part 1”

I am in a dev bootcamp all week and so do not have the amount of free time to spend on writing these posts that I normally do, which is a shame, because WOW is there a lot going on here. Of course, the silver lining for y’all is that you are spared a good deal of my yelling about how horny Dukat is for Sisko.

Not all of it, though.

Continue reading “2.20: “The Maquis, Part 1””

2.08: “Necessary Evil”

Ah yes, the episode where I remember why “Which Side Are You On?” is on several of my DS9 playlists.

I like this episode a lot! But there are parts that I’m not totally thrilled with. Honestly, it probably doesn’t help that I just kind of…don’t like Odo very much, and don’t feel he’s necessarily earned the benefit of the doubt. So I find the ending a bit frustrating, which I’ll go into a bit more later.

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2.05: “Cardassians”

Okay, this is much later than I generally try to post, but it turns out I had A TON to say, and it took me ages to wrangle it into something halfway readable.

First things first: GARAK!!!!!!!!!!! He becomes such an important secondary character as the show goes on that it’s a little strange to think we haven’t actually seen him since way back at the beginning of the first season.

Honestly, I am pretty much always up for Cardassian bullshit. Cardassians make Vulcans look warm, friendly, and emotionally healthy. They make Klingons look low-drama. They make Romulans look straightforward and plainspoken. They’re always dicks, they’re always horny, and then we find out later that being dicks is also a method by which they indicate horniness for one another. Everything with Cardassians is hilariously overcomplicated and the only person who enjoys that more than I do is every single Cardassian.

Continue reading “2.05: “Cardassians””